We think a clean home is the best feeling ever, don’t you agree? Nothing beats the smell and fresh feeling of those brilliantly clean carpet fibres between your toes! Or what about when you open that oven door, and it sparkles just like it has come out of a showroom?! In fact, cleaning is not just a feel-good feeling, but can actually be great for your mental health and reduce anxiety!

However, how do you know your home is really clean? Like REALLY clean? There are so many products you can buy from the shops that promise all these wonderful bacteria killing features but do we really know what works and what doesn’t?

At Apex we have been thinking about this a lot! I mean cleaning is in our name right?! So, we have been doing lots of research over the lockdown period into what are the best chemicals to use and the best technology to help us identify cleanliness levels!

Firstly, we began focusing on what chemicals and machinery we use. Our prediction is that everyone will be more concerned about levels of cleanliness and hygiene when we return from lockdown, so we wanted to ensure we only use the best products and equipment to get the best, most hygienic cleaning results! We have invested in new, industry leading equipment for our trauma and infection control work and are using chemicals which have been tested and certified against Covid 19 as well as using products which were recent winners in the NHS infection control trials. We have worked tirelessly to improve our office and rug facility so we can ensure we are offering the best quality service available.

However, the most EXCITING piece of technology we have invested in is our new ATP machine!

What on EARTH is an ATP machine I hear you ask?!

This nifty piece of technology is an accurate way of testing and measuring the hygiene levels on any surface. It is an extremely reliable and efficient way of ENSURING that your facility is only offering the HIGHEST levels of hygiene and cleanliness. However, it isn’t just used for verifying cleanliness levels, it is also a great way of evaluating the effectiveness of the cleaning methods, materials and chemicals used and can monitor the performance and compliance with cleaning protocols that you have in place.

The ATP machine is typically used in medical practices and hospitals, however as the world is changing and we are more focused on cleanliness, more and more industries are introducing companies with access to ATP testing so they can confirm to their customers, staff or family that they are providing a SAFE environment. The celebrity chef Gordon Ramsey even used an ATP machine on an episode on ‘Hotel Hell’. Watch the episode here. You will be SHOCKED at the results!

So, talking of hotels, do you want to hear some gross facts that will make your skin crawl? … I thought you would!

  • A mattress is a hotbed of bacteria! In fact, humans naturally produce 26 gallons of sweat in bed every year
  • Dirty carpets can hold approximately 4 times their weight in dirt and bacteria!
  • A dirty sofa could actually hold more harmful bacteria and germs than your toilet
  • A dirty oven can cause food poisoning!

These fun facts don’t just apply to the home, but also makes you think about all those times you have stayed in a hotel… at least in your home you know the last time you had your mattress deep cleaned… and it is only your own bacteria that is collecting on that mattress…

And whilst we are on the topic, lets think back to that time you were sat in that restaurant and noticed the carpets could do with a clean or the funny tummy you had after you left…

The main way most people assess the way a surface is clean is by eyesight right? If we take a kitchen for example, we look at the floors, the walls and surfaces completing a thorough assessment of what we think LOOKS clean. But how do we really know if there is nasty bacteria still lurking on those worktops? How do we know if that extraction hood is really clean and safe to use? We cannot see bacteria via the naked human eye so we are left to go by what we see as clean rather than really knowing how clean an area is.

Well that’s why ATP machines are so fantastic! At Apex we are fully qualified and insured to test and provide the hygiene ratings to our customers. Our technicians can go into the area and safely test the surface to ensure you have the correct and most effective cleaning procedures in place.

So whether it’s your child’s nursery or the office you work at, introducing regular ATP testing is the most effective and efficient way of ensuring that it is a safe, bacteria-free environment.

Also, another benefit of ATP testing is that it can actually help you to be more cost effective. If you are a facilities manager in charge of managing the cleaning team, you will understand that the biggest cost associated to this is labour cost. Therefore, it is important that the team and procedures you have in place are efficient, effective and get the job done right. With ATP testing, you can ensure that the job is done right first time and the procedures in place are getting the best results.

But with a machine like this surely it will cost a fortune to get a test? Also, it is definitely going to take ages to get results? It sounds super complicated right? …

Well actually the best part about ATP testing is it is super simple to use! The trained technician simply takes a swab of the surface or area in question, inserts it into the small handheld machine and the machine calculates and returns the results straight away! Also, the testing itself isn’t an expensive process but it will in fact save you money in the long run!

So his blog isn’t really aimed with a specific person in mind. The reason for this is because it can literally benefit everyone in every environment. From schools and hospitals to cinemas and care homes, this is an essential piece of equipment that our technicians can use to ensure we all stay safe.

If you would like more information on booking an ATP test in your home or workspace, please get in touch today!You can call our team on 0117 325 9250 or pop us an email at sales@apexcleaningltd.com.